Introducing Whidbey Letters
This website provides an alternative forum for residents of Whidbey and
Camano Islands (and surrounding areas) to post public letters.
You are encouraged to submit letters on topics of current interest.
This is a monitored site — letters will be reviewed by our editors
in accordance with our editorial policy.
This is an experimental forum — posting of comments and updates
to letters are future enhancements. |
Recent Letters |
Author: John | Bailey Poster Child for Broken Government | Posted: September 9, 2016 |
Professional politician Barbara Bailey is running for office again.
Throughout her career she has been funded by and thus indebted to a variety of special interests.
How then does Barbara repay her debt to these special interests — by supporting privileged tax loopholes so
they do not have to pay their fair share of the tax burden.
Author: LaVerne | Support for Hillary | Posted: April 8, 2016 |
The recent caucus was my first one and a real shock in that it did not reflect the popular vote;
it had been stacked with Sanders’ supporters.
But my biggest disappointment was seeing Bernie buttons worn by women I had previously respected —
women whose educational and career choices, beyond their right to vote, were possible only because of the efforts of courageous women crusading over the past century!
Author: Terry Ann | Hillary Supporter? Feeling Left Out? | Posted: March 30, 2016 |
Even though Hillary is ahead, many Hillary supporters are feeling left out.
No headlines, no social media, no TV ads, no nothing tells the truth: that Hillary is winning!
And there are good reasons why.
Author: Leigh Power | Wonn Road Settlement Agreement | Posted: January 11, 2016 |
It has been over six and a half years since the Island County
Commissioners unanimously approved Resolution C-34-09, authorizing
the Prosecuting Attorney to bring legal action to restore public access
to the beach, tidelands, and water east of Wonn Road.
The current settlement proposal is essentially the same as was offered by
Bruce Montgomery in 2009 when C-34-09 was passed.
Enough of the delays.
It is time for the courts to hear this case and make a final decision.
Author: LaVerne Power | Wonn Road access to public beach | Posted: January 11, 2016 |
Please consider the rights of Whidbey Island's citizens when hearing the
request to prevent our access to the beach off Wonn Road. This historic
landing place to the island has been public through the ages. Please
don't continue this farce of a private individual's claim to keep us out.
Recent maps of Whidbey Island still show "Greenbank Beach Park", right off
Wonn Road.
Author: Art Huffine | Wonn Road Settlement | Posted: January 11, 2016 |
I have recently been made aware that the BOICC is considering vacating the public's beach access at Wonn Road and that the negotiations with the adjacent property owner has been done in secret and with complete contempt and disregard for the position of Island Beach Access.
Author: Babette Thompson | Wonn Rd Proposed Settlement | Posted: January 10, 2016 |
I am appalled that the Commissioners, elected to represent the citizens of Island County, would even consider this settlement, which essentially removes one of the last remaining public accesses on the east side of our Island and "gives" it to a rich landowner for his exclusive use, in exchange for $50,000 and a piece of worthless (mud slides) property on the west side.
Author: Wilson Binger | Wonn Road Settlement Agreement | Posted: January 9, 2016 |
I learned yesterday that the County has been negotiating a settlement agreement with Montgomery that gives up the end of Wonn Road in exchange for a parcel of land below Ledgewood and $50,000. They will be discussing the settlement at their working session this coming Wednesday, January 13, The session starts at 9 AM. This is last on the agenda, scheduled for 10:45.