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updated: 09/12/2016

Author:  John Bailey Poster Child for Broken Government Posted:  September 9, 2016

2016 August 31

From:  John
Sent:  9/9/2016 10:13 AM
Subject:  Bailey Poster Child for Broken Government


Professional politician Barbara Bailey is running for office again.  Throughout her career she has been funded by and thus indebted to a variety of special interests.  How then does Barbara repay her debt to these special interests — by supporting privileged tax loopholes so they do not have to pay their fair share of the tax burden.

Bernie Sanders and other candidates have been pointing out that our government is “broken”, that it has been corrupted by big money exercising undue influence on our legislators.  Barbara Bailey could be the poster woman for our broken government.

Despite having been in the state legislature since 2003, Senator Bailey disclaims any responsibility for its failure to deal with the issues facing it.  Barbara is well versed in pointing her finger in other directions when asked why we are not funding our schools, or why our state parks are in such a state of disrepair, or why we have such a regressive tax structure putting undue pressure on lower-income Washingtonians.  As a professional politician, Senator Bailey is quite adept at shirking her responsibility to the taxpayers of this state.

Fortunately, we have a viable alternative this year!  Angie Homola is a proven leader who has the vision and drive that Bailey lacks.  Furthermore, she has the commitment to actually bring about change that will benefit the citizens of our state.  It is time for a change.  Lets give Angie a chance!

John Thompson